Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Better Than Herding Cats.

I got a call from my friend Jill the back in January.

Jill: Winnie, I was just asked to be a Project Leader for Women's Conference in April. I was wondering if you would be interested in being a team leader. We will be in charge of the hospitality team at the De Jong Concert Hall in the Harris Fine Arts Center at BYU.

Winnie: Uhhh., I've never been to Women's Conference.

Jill: I just think it would be really fun to work with you and I think that you would do a really good job. (The undercurrent was, "We've been friends since third grade and I would REALLY like your help.")

Winnie: Uhhh, what do I need to do?

Jill: We need to find forty volunteers, set up a schedule, attend training meetings and oversee the venue. I really want to you do it, but no pressure.

Winnie: Uhhh, oh, alright.

It actually turned out to be a really fun. Jill and my other lifelong friend Becky found volunteers (well, mostly Jill - I found out that I'm not really good at soliciting help). We figured out the rotation schedule and we made sure that the forty volunteers got all the information that they  needed.

I was in charge of the "survival kit" for all the volunteers. Becky and I found some canvas bags at Hobby Lobby. Oooh, I love that place, except there is so much there that I get overwhelmed. Then another friend of mine helped cut out petals and leaves from wool. I assembled the flowers in the car to and from California (between the flowers and knitting Rachel's blanket, I had plenty to do.)

I think Brad was getting tired of me squealing and exclaiming, "Oh! Look at this flower! It's so cute!" I attached the flower to the bag with a safety pin, so it could be easily removed in case someone wanted to use it for someone else (like a headband or a brooch, perhaps?).
Inside each bag, I put some band aids, safety pins, a small bottle of water, gum and some anti-bacterial gel. I think they turned out really cute and I got many compliments on the bags.

The two days of the conference was a lot of running around and trying to help conference goers find their way. I found that the busier we were, the more fun I had. I have many stories to tell but I think I'll save them for other posts, just to break it up a little.

Trying to keep the lines orderly and finding seats got a little difficult sometimes.

I had a really good time and I wouldn't mind doing it again next year. Wait, did I say that out loud?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Love the bags!

I miss Women's Conference, although I was able to attend Time Out For Women yesterday in Oklahoma City!