Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is Done!!

Woo hoo! I finally finished Rachel's blanket. Sure, it's much closer to her birthday now than it is to Christmas but nevertheless she loves it. I feel like I was constantly knitting every chance I could to finish it.

Once in February, there was a bad blizzard and the power went out. I wasn't home when it happened and when I finally made it home, it was a cozy place lit with many candles and lanterns and everyone had a flashlight. Everyone was sitting in the family room when I sat down with them, positioned a flashlight over my shoulder and started to knit. That's when Emma started to laugh and said, "See? Look what Mom is doing, she's knitting while the power is out - just like she would do if the power was on."


I made it with love in every single stitch. I love you, Rach.

1 comment:

T Fowler said...

Absolutely Amazing!
It is beautiful!