Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School

Look at my Emma on her first day of seventh grade. Isn't she cute? I can't believe that I have TWO girls in junior high! How did this happen? I feel like I'm still 30 years old and my kids should be coming home from preschool and watching Blue's Clues. How am I supposed to feel young when my children are getting older? All kidding aside though, Emma and Rachel are really excited to be in the same school together.

Look at my Caleb riding his bike with his friend on the first day of school. He likes to go to and from school with his posse. He's a little concerned that third grade will be a lot harder than second grade but I am absolutely positive that he will do just fine.
Look at my Rachel. What? You can't see her? That's because she's a ninth grader now and she can't be bothered with having her picture taken on the first day of school. Trust me on this one though, she looked cute.

So here we go back into the school routine.


T Fowler said...

I think Rachel's picture is the best. Emma and Caleb look great, too!

Rachel said...

Emma does look darling, and really old for a 7th grader. I know for a fact I wasn't nearly as mature or trendy looking when I entered jr. high. Scary stuff.

Carrie said...

Ditto what Tresa said. :)
I'm SO glad school is back in session.