Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Place I've Never Been Before

Actually, there's a lot of places I've never been before. Not a very descriptive title but I'm going to let it stand.

For Labor Day Monday, we took a little drive to the Uinta Mountains and went on a little hike. Long Lake was the destination and as Brad said many times during the hike (mainly to annoy the kids), "This is a really looooong lake." We've been to the Uintas before but I'm a little surprised at myself that I never really have gone on any type of hike there. Driving and walking around to look at scenery yes, hiking more than a half mile, no. I should probably put in a disclaimer for Brad; I'VE never hiked the Uintas, HE has.

We took a picnic and enjoyed lunch by the lake. The kids learned that it is important to bring a jacket to the mountains. This lesson was especially evident when the sun went behind a cloud. It was all good for me, I got extra snuggles.

Contrary to what it appears like, Caleb had absolutely no intention of doing his sister any harm.

After our leisurely meal, we walked all around the lake (the Long Lake).

As I was hiking along, I heard Caleb and Brad yelling at me. I took their picture, but I have no idea what they were saying.
While scrambling along on the cliffs, Emma scraped herself up pretty badly. She thought it was cool and insisted I take a picture of her worst wound. Funny thing though, she thinks a fresh wound looks cool but she realizes that wounds will eventually turn into scars. Scars are not cool to Emma so she is diligently keeping said wounds clean and covered.

We had a serendipitous (Caleb's new favorite word) discovery when we came across a wild raspberry patch. It was here that I discovered that one could discern the personalities of the three kids by the way they ate the berries. Rachel ate them as fast as she could pick them (I don't think I am able to take a picture of her without her pulling some weird face); Emma carefully gathered her berries to enjoy at a later point (unfortunately she dropped them all when a bee buzzed by her and scared her) ;
and Caleb waited patiently for anyone to hand him a berry.

After the six mile hike, we drove down to Kamas and had a nice dinner at a diner. Contrary to what it looks like in the picture, we all had a great day. I think I'll hike in the Uintas again sometime.

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