Friday, January 15, 2010

One Off, One On

In the middle of December, Rachel happily got her braces off. Ooooh, pretty! She had her braces taken off in the morning. She really enjoyed being checked out of school with braces and checked back into school without. Coming in to class holding a huge smoothie was a bonus as well.

When we went back to the orthodontist's office later in the afternoon to pick up her retainers, I made an appointment for Emma to get her braces. (sigh)
Brad said that when he dies, one of the first questions he's going to ask The Lord is, "What is the deal with teeth? How come it is so hard for people to have them grow in properly?"
I'd be interested in the answer, too.


Carrie said...

She looks so much older without braces! I'd like to know the answer to Brad's question, too. We are going through some serious teeth issues with Eliza. Luckily we have an ortho we trust.

Caroline said...

Brad, haha too funny! and they are so dang expensive.
getting my braces off will still go down as one of the best days of my life. my teeth still feel like marble.