Thursday, January 13, 2011

...and knitting...and knitting...and knitting...

That's what Pee Wee Herman said in the movie Pee Wee's Big Adventure when he was coming unglued because of the loss of his beloved bike. That's what I've been doing this fall and winter (knitting and knitting and knitting some more). In addition to the projects I've showed you already, I've been working on this chestnut:
It's one of Rachel's Christmas presents. I started it in November, both of us knowing fully that I wouldn't have it done by Christmas. It is made from a merino/microfiber blend that is wonderfully soft and squishy to the touch. I really splurged on the yarn because I wanted this to be a blanket that Rachel could say to her kids one day, "Poa Poa made this for me." It's a modified log cabin pattern knitted up with a simple garter stitch. Pretty easy and mindless knitting. Because of sheer size of the project, I'm only about a quarter of the way done with it. I wrapped it up unfinished and put it under the tree so Rachel could open it on Christmas. It's a little hard to tell the scale of it from this picture so I took this picture:

He didn't want me to take the blanket off of him when I was done. Yeah, it's that soft and cuddly. This project has been a lifesaver to me on several occasions, I take it with me whenever I know I need to sit and wait awhile. Things like basketball games, trips to the orthodontist and trips to the emergency room.

Brad asked me to send this picture to the kids to show he was ok. What a dad!
Back in the beginning of December, I took Brad to the ER twice in one week for severe stomach cramps. I spent about six or seven hours in the ER total and I worked on the taupe and purple blocks there. Brad is ok now, he just had a particularly nasty case of e. coli (stupid hamburger).

Now I will think of that adventure whenever I look at the blanket...and that it turned out ok. I'll post a picture of it when it's done.

1 comment:

T Fowler said...

That blanket (is it called a blanket?) looks AMAZING! I so want one. Maybe in 20 years when i can knit as well as you. I'm sorry you don't have happier memories of knitting this blanket - trips to the ER aren't fun. But, so happy Brad is feeling better.