Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chubby Penguin

  I knitted up this little guy this week. It was my nephew Max's birthday and I remembered that last year at the family reunion, he mentioned that he would really like for me to somehow knit him a penguin. With a bow tie. I came up with a penguin without a tie but with cute tufts over his eyes. I hope he likes it. He is one of the coolest kids I know. Happy 12th, Max!

As an aside I was wondering if I should post the instructions for my projects. Is that pretentious? Would any of the six people who read my blog find that at all interesting?


T Fowler said...

Super cute penguin. And, if I was any where near the knitter you are I would love the instructions. But since you are in a league of your own, I'll let you decide!

Debbie said...

So cute!

I am knitting/crocheting-challenged, but I'm sure others would love instructions.